CedarGardens members are a diverse group encompassing all genders, orientations, ages, interests and styles.
Our members range from inexperienced “Newbies” just finding their way around kink to “Veterans” with years of experience in the scene, technically everyone is welcome.

Membership is restricted to individuals aged at least 21 who have a sincere interest in expanding their educational horizons. To join, keep an eye on the recruiting page and our Special Interest Group section (if published) to see if we are currently taking on new people.
We provide a safe and welcoming environment to people new to the scene or with years of experience, both young and, well, not-so-young.


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Be warned: This site contains adult-related material, discussions, opinion, thought, and images. By following any of the links below, you affirm that you are of legal age and you DO WISH to view such material.

If you are under the age of 18, or reside in or link from an area where such information and/or your receipt of it would violate prevailing community standards or any local laws, ordinances or statutes to which you may be subject, you must NOT continue.

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